Wednesday, September 3, 2008

16 months

16 things your should know about my 16 month old!

1. He had been going tee tee in the potty every night before he gets into the bath tub! He's not ready for potty training, but it is still good that he has enough control to make himself go!
2. He loves books! He gets a book and hands it to you and plops down in your lap! His favorites are: I spy, Bubbles, bubbles, At the Farm, Dogs, Five Little Monkeys, Good Night Moon, and any animal book. I have a lot of them memorized!
3. He still loves any type if ball. He loves to throw them, dribble them (taps them on the ground), and make a basket with them with his hoop.
4. He loves to dance. He will taps his drums that makes music and dance away. He thinks it's extra fun to spin!
5. He thinks it's funny to show you his tummy! If you say, "Carter, where's your tummy" he will lift his shirt and smile!
6. He loves dogs. He constantly is giving Wrigley and Fenway hugs and kisses. When he takes walks and hears a dog barking he has to stop and bark back.
7. He is really into cars. He especially loves to pretend to drive them.
8. While he can say quite a few real words, he loves to babble in his own "language" as we call it. He sounds like a robot. He will say, "be, bur, bu, bur" like he knows what he is saying.
9. His two favorite words right now are, "bite" (telling us he wants to eat)and "bup" which means he want up- it's too funny!
10. He still loves to eat- just not as healthy as I would like. His favorite food (that is is always opening the pantry and bringing me) is pretzels- especially the ones with peanut butter in the middle.
11. He's an early riser. The latest he usually sleeps is 7:30, which is rare. This was even during the summer when we could sleep as late as we wanted- fun, fun.
12. He loves to use a fork and spoon. He switches between his right and left hand and does a pretty good job, but often times he reverts back to using his hand.
13. He loves Sesame Street, which was my favorite show when I was little. I still think it's great- it's SO educational! Right now the Dixie Chicks are on it singing a song about "b" to the tune of one of their songs- cute!
14. He is a sweet boy! He loves to gives hugs and kisses and it is oh so sweet when he initiates affection! Lately he will give Kris and hug and kiss, then me, then the dogs, and then back to Kris. When we are at the grocery store he will bend over and kiss my hand on the cart- SO sweet!
15. He loves to say "mine" when he wants something you are trying to take. It's kinda cute when he does it to us, but somehow I think that will change when it's with another child!
16. Carter has the best hair! It curls in the back and is strawberry blond- it's precious!
*and one to grow on- he loves to hand me things. When we are outside it's, rocks, leaves snails, grass and once a dried worm yuck! Inside his favorite thing to hand me are blocks, legos and books. As he hannds things to me, he says, "thank you."

So there's a little about my 16 month old man. Oh how time is flying right by!

1 comment:

Shawna Nicholson said...

Time will continue to fly by chels...I still can't believe Corbin is about to turn 4!