Sunday, September 28, 2008


This weekend while Kris was busy hosting a poker tournament at our house, my mom, Colt and I headed up to Oklahoma to visit Stacy. We had a great time! I even got to go to the OU game- don't worry, I only wear the OU shirt when I'm in Norman! Here is the story of our weekend in pictures!

Colt and Carter at the Texas/Oklahoma border

Stacy and her puppies

Colt found Stacy's keyboard.

Carter had to join in on the fun!

Ready to tour the OU campus! Tremayne was a great tour guide!


We went to the cool musem on the OU campus that Stacy used to work at.

Carter saw lots of dinosaurs
and some turtles!

Doesn't it look like he's petting a real bobcat?

Gotta put your goggles on...

before you dig for fossils!

Carter with Stacy and Tremayne.

Looking at the buffalo with Stacy

Carter was so worn out he fell asleep in his uncomfortable stroller!

Posing in the OU wagon in the Student Union

We watched the OU band do their pregame show.

Me and Stacy at the game.

Stacy got desperate and wore Carter's sunglasses- they were all I had!

Stacy bought an OU cookie cake to celebrate the win!

Stacy took us to a cool park by her old house! It had awesome shade trees and a great playground. Carter loved exploring the maze!

Stacy and her Auntie

Colt and his high jump!

Carter playing

Stacy and Carter

Stacy and Tremayne

Mom and Colt with our awesome host and tourguide- Tremayne and Stacy

1 comment:

Erica said...

It looks like y'all had alot of fun! I enjoyed looking at your pictures! : )