Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Facing my fears

Anyone who knows me knows that I am an animal lover. They also know that I am a big chicken. I have reoccurring nightmares about tornadoes and "bad people" getting me. When I was little I was terrified of clowns (they still creep me out) and anyone dressed up- as you can imagine, Halloween was fun. Well, you may be wondering where I am going with this- it turns out another thing I am afraid of is HORSES! Weird since I thought I loved animals. Anyway, today when my sis in law asked if I would go with her to the horse park to check on her horse that just got into town, I agreed without much thought. I thought Carter would love the animals. When we got there we walked out to the huge pasture where hundreds of horse were grazing and began calling for her horse, Gold. It was so funny, Carter was yelling Gold right after Kristen. Anyway all was well when the horses were at a distance. As we walked further along the path, the horses got more friendly and I panicked. A brown horse walked up to me and my heart started racing and I began shaking. I kept yelling, "Kristen, I'm not comfortable with this." She kept telling me I was fine. After several more panic attacks, we found Gold in a barn eating hay. Kristen tied him up and he began whinnying loudly at the other horses. I freaked again until I got used to the sound. I finally got brave enough and pet his shoulder and Kristen took Carter and let him pet Gold. The first thing Carter said was "eye!" The horse did have a big old eye. Anyway, it was a beautiful evening and I faced one of my fears, I hope I don't have a nightmare tonight...

Gold the horse

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