Saturday, June 13, 2009


Carter is turning into a fish. He was SUCH a fish last summer and this year he has been really apprehensive. Now, I have taught swimming lessons for 15 plus years, but I can't seem to follow my own rules of thumb when it comes to my own child. I am such a softie with him!! The first day we were in the water I pushed him a little too far and then he wanted nothing to do with me in the water. So, I have gone with a different approach.......I am going to let him experiment on his own, and then when he gets more comfortable, I am going to teach him more. Well, tonight he made huge progress.....check out my little fish!!! Oh, and please vote on my poll.......I am stressing about potty training, but I just don't think he's ready yet!! Rolling under the water!
Hanging out with Uncle Colt
Being an aligator
Sweet boy!
Watching the big kids
He was so funny laying in the water!
Hi Mommy!
Silly boy!

Please excuse the poor was getting dark. He loved jumping in!

Yea for a good day of swimming!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ok, Ever is such a fish too!!! He LOVES the water sooo much!! So our next play date has to be at a pool :) Plus, I could use a few of your swim lesson techniques with Ever :)