Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Science Place!

Erica and I met up at The Science Place. It is such a neat place to go, but it was SO crowded today. I think it was "bring your wild and crazy daycare" day. It made things a little difficult! Especially when we were trying to keep up with so many little ones. The kids had a blast and I was ready for a nap then the day was done! "din-or" Carter was So interested in them!
Checking out the dino dig pit.
Working away!
Finding fossils!
There were so many neat things to play with.

Carson loved dressing up!
Carter found a baby!
Dressing up like a dolphin.
Monkey man!
Taking care of his baby.
The girls playing some music.
A microscope.
The kids played on this firetruck forever!

Carter wasn't quite big enough for the bikes!
He had fun with them anyway!
Riding the tractor with Ella!
and by himself!
Eating lunch.
We fed the turtles outside. We hung out in the shade.

Big jump!
Silly Ella!
Carter loves watching everyone!

Emma Claire

Erica and Emma
Then we were SO hot, we let the kids cool off in the water. We didn't have we improvised........This will embarrass them someday....but they had SO much fun!!


Shawna Nicholson said...

Love Carter's shirt chels...where did you get it?

Chelsi said...

Carter got it for his birthday from Erica, she got it at Gymboree!

Cole's Corner said...

Found your blog on Beth Ann's... love the pictures. Carter is a cutie pie!

Erica said...

You got some really cute pictures! I love how we always have such fun and make neat memories everytime we are together! I am still laughing about "the person" that was having their picture made in front of the elephant! :)