Wednesday, May 28, 2008

B-ball, Carter style

I had a bucket out in Carter's room that I had used for his birthday and never put up. Tonight Carter decided to use it as a basket for some shooting practice. Now notice, he will anything for a basketball, anyway, I was pretty impressed with his aim! He actually made it in most of the time!

Can you see the balls flying in the air?

I'll ty it standing up now

I just love his tummy!

Lunch with friends

On Monday we met Jess, Amy, Missy, Colin and Julie for a yummy lunch at Carinos. It was yummy as usual! Carter was excited because he got to see his little buddy Colin again. Carter was a little jealous when I was holding Colin, but he was sure interested in him while Colin sat in his carrier. Carter even tried to get in the carrier with him!

This was right before Carter put Colin's paci in his mouth!!

Carter woke sweet Colin up!

sweet Colin- after lunch he fell asleep in my arms- awww

Carter hamming it up

Amy, Jess, Carter, Julie, Missy, Colin

Amy, Missy, Colin, Chelsi, Carter and Jess

Monday, May 26, 2008

Poor baby!

Just a minute ago I had Carter outside (his favorite place to be) becasue he was just too busy inside. Anyway, he was walking around in the grass and he walked quickly to me and his leg was COVERED in ants!! Luckily he was still wearing his pjs so he had on pants. Anyway, I ripped his pants off quickly, but he still had a lot of bites on one of his legs. Poor baby. He didn't even really fuss. I have decided that babies are much tougher than adults! I am pretty sure these are his first ant bites. Now he is happily watching The Wiggles- they seem to make everything better!

Memorial Day weekend cookout and swim

What fun would Memorial Day weekend be without a cookout and swimming? We went over Karri's house with my family for that fun!

Carter and Sierra

Colt jumping
I love my Uncle Colt

Check out my tummy!

I'm happy becasue I found a ball!

Uncle Cody and Pops

This float is great!

The babies are here!

The baby ducks that is! I have been in the habit of checking on mama duck every morning on my way to school and each day after school Carter and I go out and look at her. Well, today when we went to check on them we could see babies!! I could only see them under mama duck's wing, but sure enough they were there! I got the best pictures I could and told myself that I would check on her after I got Carter dinner, bath, and in bed.
Well, not more than a hour and a half later, I went to check on her again and she was gone!! The nest was empty!!! Minutes later I saw Eve, the lady that lives at the house and she had gotten pictures of them that morning right after they were born. They were SO cute! She too was wondering where they were! She and I walked all around the neighborhood (crazy, I know but I had become attached to her!) looking for her. All we can figure is that she was heading down to the duckpond, but she must have been moving fast with those babies! Oh well, Carter and I are going to be on the lookout for her and her babies at the pond.

Can you see the baby duck under it's mama's wing?

The empty nest

Sunday, May 25, 2008

Two is better than one!

Carter spent a good part of his morning carrying around these 2 balls, throwing them, and picking them up again. He was crawling under the table to get them and going all over the house as they went in different directions. What fun entertainment!


Does it get any cuter than this?


I found the greatest Splashpad (that's free!) for Carter to play at only a mile from my house. Carter had a great time just walking around as the water spouted from the ground. It is perfect for him, plus it's not crowded. We did leave with an injury....he fell and hit his nose on the ground. It was bleeding, but he didn't even want to stop for me to look at it- tough guy! I am envisioning us spending a lot of time there this summer!

Carter's hurt nose. He scraped his head too. He wouldn't look right at me so this is the best shot of it I could get. It actually looks worse this morning.

Friday, May 23, 2008


Last week Carter started something that I have been meaning to take picts of and blog about, but I haven't had a second, so I am going to type a short blurb and add more later. Last week when Carter and I were reading he began pointing to things. After a while I began to ask him to point to certain things and he did is consistantly. He would point to a ball, duck, bear, dog, and fish on different pages. This was one of those color books with lots of things on different pages. I told my mom about this and she got out her preschool flashcards and gave him 2 choices and most of the time he grabbed the right card. Way to go Carter!


Okay, I have something to admit......Carter is still getting a bottle. Just 2 or 3 a day........I am planning on taking 2 away when school gets out, then phase the last one out after that. I was feeling really guilty, but then when I was reading my People, I saw Suri Cruise with a bottle and she's 2! Oh well, he will be done by then!


Carter has just started shaking his head no when he doesn't want something. He does it when he is finished eating and today at the pool he did it when we got back into the big pool- too cute!


I have been anxiouly awaiting the chance to take Carter swimming. Last summer it was a streatch trying to teach him anything..........he was kinda young, but he did go under water a few times. This summer will be SO different. Anyway, for the past 3 days we have visited the new Frisco Rec Center. It has an AWESOME new swim area! Carter loves it. He was a little aprehensive at fist, but quickly adjusted to the water. He would walk around, fall down, go under water, and then get back up. After playing a while on the play structure, we moved to the warm water pool. Each day I have done a little swim lesson with him. He goes underwater like a champ, monkey crawls, jumps off the side and floats. He even worked on blowing bubbles. Today Stacy came with us a we did a few pases. What fun! I predict that Carter will be a full blown fish by the end of the summer! I don't have any picts from the pool because I am afraid to leave my camera alone while we are swimming, so I only have some pictures from before we went swimming. He is crying in the picture, becasue he doesn't like his flip flops!


The Stewart family got Carter his first pair of Crocs for his first birthday. He can walk really good in them, plus they look super cute. Everywhere I can, I get compliments!


Carter's latest OBSESSION os going up and down the fron steps. He will do it until you finally stop him. Also, notice in the first picture that he is starting to walk like a "big boy" with out his hands in the air!