Monday, May 26, 2008

The babies are here!

The baby ducks that is! I have been in the habit of checking on mama duck every morning on my way to school and each day after school Carter and I go out and look at her. Well, today when we went to check on them we could see babies!! I could only see them under mama duck's wing, but sure enough they were there! I got the best pictures I could and told myself that I would check on her after I got Carter dinner, bath, and in bed.
Well, not more than a hour and a half later, I went to check on her again and she was gone!! The nest was empty!!! Minutes later I saw Eve, the lady that lives at the house and she had gotten pictures of them that morning right after they were born. They were SO cute! She too was wondering where they were! She and I walked all around the neighborhood (crazy, I know but I had become attached to her!) looking for her. All we can figure is that she was heading down to the duckpond, but she must have been moving fast with those babies! Oh well, Carter and I are going to be on the lookout for her and her babies at the pond.

Can you see the baby duck under it's mama's wing?

The empty nest


Erica said...

I'm glad that the ducky story had a happy ending!

Erica said...
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