Friday, May 23, 2008


I have been anxiouly awaiting the chance to take Carter swimming. Last summer it was a streatch trying to teach him anything..........he was kinda young, but he did go under water a few times. This summer will be SO different. Anyway, for the past 3 days we have visited the new Frisco Rec Center. It has an AWESOME new swim area! Carter loves it. He was a little aprehensive at fist, but quickly adjusted to the water. He would walk around, fall down, go under water, and then get back up. After playing a while on the play structure, we moved to the warm water pool. Each day I have done a little swim lesson with him. He goes underwater like a champ, monkey crawls, jumps off the side and floats. He even worked on blowing bubbles. Today Stacy came with us a we did a few pases. What fun! I predict that Carter will be a full blown fish by the end of the summer! I don't have any picts from the pool because I am afraid to leave my camera alone while we are swimming, so I only have some pictures from before we went swimming. He is crying in the picture, becasue he doesn't like his flip flops!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Those flip-flops match that shirt PERFECTLY! Maybe he will get used to how they feel! At the rate y'all are going Carter is going to be swimming across the pool by the end of the summer!