Wednesday, May 7, 2008

I'm glad I'm not a mamma duck!

The other day then I was coming home from taking Carter to the park, I happened to look over in the yard of the house 2 doors down from mine and what did I see in the flower bed below the tree but a duck! I walked closer and saw a mamma duck sitting on what looked like a nest. She was smack dab in the middle of the daffodil plants! She very well hidden and laying so still. Later that day I walked my mother in law down to the house and showed her the duck and she was in the same spot! I have been thinking about her and her dedication to her babies. Yesterday when it was raining I thought about her in the rain and wished I could put an umbrella over her. Today when Carter and I were playing in the front yard we went to check on mamma duck. My neighbor just happened to come out, so I asked her about the duck and she said she had been there a few weeks. She said that this morning she came out and mamma duck was walking around the yard and she caught a glimpse of the nest and counted 12 eggs. Wow! She said she has been researching the duck and that the babies should hatch around May 25. She will then have to somehow get her babies to the pond that is about a mile a way. It should be interesting to see! As I was walking back o my house, I couldn't help but think how lucky I am that when I was carriyng my baby, I could go wherever I wanted. I also thought about how lucky I was that when I had my baby I didn't have to move him in such a way that would risk his life. I am sure glad I'm not a mamma duck, but I do respect her dedication. What a lesson: mamma humans, mamma dogs, mamma cats, and even mamma ducks have the instinct to to what they have to to keep their babies safe.

1 comment:

Erica said...

Sweet mama duck! What pretty pictures those are!