Monday, May 14, 2012

13 months

It's hard to believe that Miss Abby is 13 months! I find it hard to believe becasue she seems younger to me. She is so little and petite and I think that has to do with it. The other day someone wanted to guess how old she was and they guessed 9 months. With that being said, I do feel like she is doing a lot. Here is what Miss Abby is up to at 13 months! DSC_0006_edited-2 She is sleeping from 7pm-8am. She is down to one good nap that she wanted to take around 10. She generally will sleep about 2 hours. Soemtimes she will take another catnap sometime in the afternoon. DSC_0010_edited-2 She is still not walking., She still scoots on her bottom, usually just using her right hand. She likes to have her keft hand open to use. She pulls up and cruises, but doesn't sttempt any steps or even pushing things and walking. She will walk holding onto your fingers for a few steps, but after a few steps she will sit herself down! DSC_0013_edited-2 She is still a timy thing. She wears a size 2 shoe, 3 diaper and 6/12 and 12/18 month clothes. DSC_0015_edited-2 She has a lot of teeth suddenly. Sje has her four top teeth, plus the 2 in the top back and then just 2 on the front bottom. DSC_0017_edited-2 DSC_0018_edited-2 She seems to be trying to talk up a storm! She says: mama, dada, nana (banana), Carter, dog (and barks), water and snack (nack), kakers(crackers) DSC_0019_edited-2 DSC_0021_edited-2 She LOVES the pool! She loves to explore and will fall underwater and it doesn't phase her. She even blows bubbles! DSC_0023_edited-2 She loves to pretend to wipe her hands and will wipe her mouth and blow her nose. DSC_0030_edited-2 DSC_0036_edited-2 She ates bows in her hair! She pulls them straight out and drives me crazy! I am pretty presistant about putting them back in! DSC_0038_edited-2 She can point to her nose (we need to work on other body parts, whoops!) DSC_0050_edited-2 DSC_0054_edited-2 DSC_0056_edited-2 She loves to eat: bananas, turkey, crackers, every kind of those squeeze baby foods, cheese, yougurt, oatmeal, blueberries, chicken nuggets, pizz and cereal bars DSC_0062_edited-2 DSC_0066_edited-2 DSC_0069_edited-2 She is a mess and such a joy! :)

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