Thursday, May 17, 2012

Carter's last day of Pre-K

Carter had his last day of Pre-K today.  I can't believe how fast this year went by.  It has been such a special year for me.  I have loved getting to take him to school and pick him up every day.  Man, it was so great.  I was feeling all sorts of emotions walking in that last day.  Watching him walk just ahead of me with his dinosaur backpack knowing it was the end of an era.  I am not quite sure what the next year will look like, but I do know that it won't involve me walking though the doors of the preschool with my precious baby on my hip and my big boy just ahead of me.  Oh changes are so hard, yet so exciting. I had to have a little photo session before school to see how much my bay had changed in this year! His hair was still wet from the shower he took this morning. DSC_0104_edited-1 DSC_0106_edited-1 DSC_0111_edited-1 Since it was the last day, his class had a pizza party and an ice cream sundae party. I came up for it, and it was full of excitement! DSC_0111_edited-1 Yummy pizza! DSC_0120_edited-1 And a delicious sundae....chocolate with sprinkles! DSC_0125_edited-1 Carter and his awesome teacher. She is retiring this year after many many years of teaching. Carter was so lucky to be in her very last class. DSC_0130_edited-1 After school we went out to the playground for the very last time. I have loved getting to take him outside every day! Here he is with his best buddy Cade. They act so silly together. Carter abd Cade have been in the same class since they were 2. Carter is going to miss him so much next year. DSC_0133_edited-1 Carter and Brian have become really goof buddies too. Brian introduced Carter to Ninjago, his current obsession. SO there closes another chapter. I can wait to see where the next one begins!

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