Saturday, May 5, 2012

Carter's 5th birthday party

Carter had an awesome 5th birthday party at Pump it Up! It was wild, but as Carter was going to bed that night, he said, "That was the most fun day I ever had." DSC_0148_edited-1 DSC_0141_edited-1 The birthday boy! DSC_0144_edited-1 Pop Pop and Abby who wanted to be with the big kids! DSC_0146_edited-2 DSC_0147_edited-2 These kids were ready to get in there and bounce! DSC_0149_edited-1 Watching the safety video DSC_0152_edited-2 Lining up to go in DSC_0153_edited-1 Singing a happy birthday song to Carter DSC_0157_edited-1 Abby and daddy DSC_0163_edited-1 Corbin and Gage DSC_0164_edited-1 Kristen, Meemaw and Kris DSC_0179_edited-1 Corbin and Carson DSC_0180_edited-1 Colin DSC_0183_edited-1 Carter and Cade DSC_0187_edited-1 The whole group DSC_0189_edited-1 silly kids! DSC_0190_edited-1 ready for cake! DSC_0193_edited-1 so seriuos while listening to everyone sing him Happy Birthday DSC_0197_edited-1 Make a wish! DSC_0205_edited-1 The blue and red icing was quite a mess! Look at poor Avery! DSC_0206_edited-2 Heather and Ben DSC_0207_edited-1 Brady, Hadley and Haden DSC_0208_edited-1 Emily, Brian and Allie DSC_0209_edited-1 Carter and Jackson DSC_0210_edited-1 Emmma and Ella DSC_0211_edited-1 Avery DSC_0212_edited-1 Colin, Gage, Corbin and Carson DSC_0213_edited-1 Cade, Chase and Jen Jen DSC_0214_edited-1 Spiderman rings! DSC_0217_edited-1 Present time! DSC_0224_edited-1 He was kinda a zombie, but he got a lot of presents inclding: Ninjagos, a new bike, a new scooter, a basketball class, a new basketball that glows in the dark, flip flops, remote control car, Ninjago sticker book, Ninjago shirt, Sonic shirt, Mavs clothes and much more!

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