Monday, February 4, 2008

9 months

It seems unreal that Carter is already 9 months old. When we went to the doctor today, I made his appointment for his one year check up. How can that be? Where did my little baby go? I see glimpses of him, but most of the time I see a near toddler. While I feel nostoligic about his growing up, I LOVE his age now! He is so much fun! He loves to crawl around everywhere, and loves to find the dog bowls. . He loves to pull up on everything. It is so funny, but it seems like he takes it as a challenge. He works so hard to pull up on anything with an even romotely flat sufface! He also loves to tap things together, and bang things against the ground. A new trick he has learned- catch. Yesterday we spent a long time playing this new game. He would throw me the ball, and I would say "Yea" and throw it back to him. Eventually after he would throw it he would try to say "yea" like me. It was so cute. It is funny, because he switches throwing with both hands. I am interested to see what his dominate hand will be. Another thing he loves are dogs. When he sees a dog he gets a huge smile on his face and says "da". He is so good at "patting" dogs, and is usually pretty gentle. He also love eating. I always give him his baby food, and then I move to table food. He loves to feel like he is eating the same thing we are. Some of his favorites are: string cheese, cheerios, fruit puffs, peas, corn, green beans, chicken and yougurt. He is also a tough little boy. I was so proud of him today. He barely even fussed the they took his blood and gave him his shot. He was a perfect patient while to doctor listened tohis heart and looked into his ears. She said he looked perfect. He was 28 1/2 inches (50%) and 22.9 pounds (75%). What a blessing he is! Below are 9 pictures of my 9 month old. As you can see, he was not the most cooperative.... I think they speak for themselves.

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