Thursday, February 28, 2008

Baby Genius?

Okay, now I know that I may be biased, but I swear Carter did something today that bordered on genius for an almost 10 month old. Today while I was getting ready I had him sitting in his Bumbo seat, like always. I keep him there so that he is contained and he will still entertain himself. Anyway, he was sitting there going through his basket of toys and he picked up a sock. Then I looked over and he was TRYING TO PUT THE SOCK ON HIS OWN FOOT!!! I swear it's true! I looked at him and said, "Carter, you're a little genius" and he just smiled at me. :)
On another note, his is still OBSESSED with throwing balls. He will sit and play catch with you or he will throw the ball and crawl after it himself. He has a great attention span! The one thing he is not good at is sitting still for a picture- imagine that, so below is my best attempt at getting some pictures!

I'm off to Harvard!

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