Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Two new tricks!

Carter and I had a great day today! I took the day off and I just loved it. I spent the morning cleaning the house and then in the afternoon I took him to Willowbend to play on the playground. At the playground I kept waving to him saying "Hi Carter" and then he began waving back to me! It was so exciting! He loved crawling around the playground and looking at all of the kids! After Willowbend we went to the grocery store. There he did his second new trick! I had a burp cloth with me because he has a runny nose. After I wiped his nose with it (okay this sounds gross, but it wasn't) I covered his eyes with it and said "Where's Carter?" and he pulled it down. Then he put it over his face himself, and when I said "Where's Carter" he pulled it down. We did this over and over, it was so cute! Then when I put Carter in the car, he tried to put his paci in my mouth. He kept trying, so I finally put it in my mouth and he laughed and laughed. He's really getting a sense of humor!
Kris' parents are in town and he really impressed him with his ball throwing skills. He has this big blue spikey ball that he has to palm to hold and he played catch for at least 10 minutes (probably longer). That's a pretty good attention span for a 9 month old! waving
Hi mommy!

Little guy, big roar!

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