Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Enough said.......

Carter's newest trick is "Patty Cake". When I start saying it he will start clapping his hands!

Big Boy Bath!

Before we met Tolson for lunch on Monday I had to give Carter a bath because he had rasberries in his hair. I decided to give him a bath in my bigh bathtub so he could play while I was getting ready in there. He had fun in the big boy bath!


The other day I brought Carter outside to blow bubbles. Well, he has NO intrest in blowing bubbles, but was obsessed with playing on the steps. At first I was a little worried, but he was having so much fun, I just let him do it. He looked like quite the stuntman, but sadly enough it had a sad ending..........he ended up with a scraped forehead. He didn't even cry! He wanted to keep going! "Those bubbles are boring!"
"Look what I can do!"

Back and forth

Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter weekend

For Carter’s first Easter we headed up to Oklahoma to visit Kris’ parents at the lake house. We had a nice time and had BEAUTIFUL weather on Saturday. Easter morning was a little chilly, but that was okay because after lunch we headed back to Dallas to see my family.
Carter at the lake.
He refuses to look at me now when I have the camera, but I like this picture becuse you can see his pretty red hair!

Wrigley and Maddie in the back of the Gator. We didn't bring Fenway on this trip down to the water, because she was still feeling bad from her fight. Poor Fenway got blindsided by a neighborhood dog who didn't like her in it's territory. Poor Fenway got tackled and bit (she had a puncture wound that was bleeding) when my mother in law was taking her on a walk- on a leash! Poor baby!

I thought this tree was appropriate for this Easter weekend- this limb fell and it looks like a cross!

The lake water is cold!

Gram and Gramps taking Carter on a golf cart ride.

Happy Easter!

Cheesy (and a little scary) smile!

Goodies from Gigi

Another word!

I know that I will get to a point where Carter is saying so many things that I will not be able to blog about it, but for the time being they are coming one at a time, and I don't want to forget what words he says and when he says them! So, with out further ado, Carter's seventh word is.........bite! Is sounds more like "bi" but he has started using it consistantly whenever he sees me eating something he wants a taste of! Today when I was eating an Easter snack, he looked at me and said "bi." He's so smart!

Friday, March 21, 2008

2 more words!

Carter has started consistently saying his fifth and sixth words this week. He started saying “bah bah” when he sees his bottle. I guess he started using this one more since all he has is bottles now! This week I decided to start giving his formula after 10 ½ months of nursing. He doesn’t really care much about having a bottle and maybe drinks 10 ounces of formula a day…….I hope that’s okay!
His sixth word is book. It sounds more like “bu” but much different than bah bah” , bye bye” and “baa” his other 3 “b” words. He started saying book when we were at the library and now says it any time he sees a book! Another this he has been doing is saying “ooooo” when he sees new things, especially when we are reading a book.

Hot dog!

After we went to the zoo Carter and I met my mom, Austin and Colt at Willow Bend to do some shopping and so that my mom could watch Carter while I got my hair cut (I got a LOT cut off!) Right before my mom, Austin and Colt left I stopped my Sonic to get a drink and a random man gave Colt a coupon for buy one get one free foot long chili cheese coney. I was nice and bought him and Austin one. As you can see Colt loves his food, and I couldn’t resist getting a few snapshots of Colt’s enjoyment.

We went to the zoo,zoo,zoo!

So that I could have a second to publish this post, I put on the DVD “Barney at the Zoo” for Carter to watch and as I was watching the beginning, I am about 99% sure that it was taped at The Ft. Worth Zoo, which is where we went with Erica and the crew yesterday. It is such a cool zoo and I can’t remember the last time I went there. We had a great time, though we had to brave the Spring Break crowd. The weather was ABSOLUTLY gorgeous and most of the animals were out showing off. As with most of my posts, I will tell our story with my pictures!
Carson and Caleb ready to have fun at the zoo.
Carter ready to go!

Emma, Ella, Carter, Erica, me and Carson ready to see some animals!

Carson and Caden

Oops- this isn't supposed to be here twice.......I don't know how to delete it!

Carter's twinCaleb and Caron looking at the elephant
The girls got to walk!
Erica's crew

giraffe- one of my favs!
Quote from Carson, "I am giving the rock eyeballs"
Emma helping her mommy push The mighty elephant

Carter checking out the elephant.

Halfway through Carter fell asleep!

We saw a rooster!
A calf at the petting zoo.

One gal almost asleep...

Carter got a Ft. Worth Zoo ball

The girls got a new book.

and Carson got an elephant toy.