Friday, March 7, 2008

Second snow and fourth word!

Well, you know what they say about the weather in Texas..........if you don't like it, wait a day. Well, on Tuesday I was loving the weather! I took Carter on a long run/walk, went to the park, and even got so warm that I had to take my sweatshirt off! Then on Thursday morning I turned on the news to see how to dress Carter and they said that it was going to snow in the afternoon! Yeah right I thought, it was just 70 degrees yesterday. Well sure enough by lunch time the temp was dropping and it was raining. Before we knew it the hugest snowflakes I have ever seen were falling from the sky! It looked like a blizzard! The kids were going nuts! I think I am hormonal, because my eyes were welling up seeing the looks of awe on the kid's faces! It was pretty cool. It continued to snow for the rest of the school day, and beyond! I graciously asked the office if they needed any help, and Toni said, yes at parent pick up. I didn't think it would be that bad...........I was was wrong! Sharon and I stood outside calling names and asking parents to get back into their cars while ice and snow pelted us in the face. When we were finished 45 minutes later, my jeans, shoes, sock and gloves were soaking wet and freezing!!! Anyway, when I finally got to my car the snow was really piling up. It took 30 minutes to make the 8 minute drive to my mom's house to get Carter. It was then I decided to stay at my mom's house. (I later found out that it took Debbie 1 hour and 45 minutes to get home). It was good that we stayed, because Joanie surpried us with a visit! That night with some coaxing Carter started saying "bye,bye". He would wave and say it. It was so cute! Anyway, when I woke up this morning I fully expected school to be cancled, at least delayed. Well, no! Carrollton, Frisco, Denton everyone had either the day off or a late start but us! When I finally got to my house there was still snow on the ground. It was a good thing since I didn't have my camera at my mom's house. Here are a few picts I got. As you can see, Carter wasn't a big fan of the snow...........good thing we live in Texas and it's forcasted to be 70 degrees on Sunday.

Sweet boy!

Let's feel this snow.............

I don't like it! It's too cold!!

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