Monday, March 3, 2008

10 months

Ten months have come and gone so quickly! As with each month, I can say that I love Carter more each day he is in my life! It's hard to believe that in just 2 months we will be celebrating his 1st birthdday! In honor of his tenth month, I am going to make a top ten list.
Carter's top 10 favorite things!
1. Food! He will eat just about anything! The other day he even ate an olive! His favorite foods are: fruit puffs, animal crackers, regular crackers, Cheerios, raisins, cheese, chicken, dried apples, bananas, and fruit bars.
2. Doors! He love to open and close them!
3. Baths. He especially like to try to stand up in the bathtub, which is a big no, no.
4. Drums and music. He loves to pat his drums and to dance to the music they make.
5. The park!! He loves for me to say "I'm gonna get you" and then tickle him on the swing and he loves to go down the slide.
6. His spikey blue ball! He loves to throw it and chase after it! I can even say, "Carter, get your ball" and he will crawl around and find it!
7. His family and friends. Carter is so lucky to have so many people who love him. His face lights up whenever he sees one of his many family members and freinds.
8. Crawling. Carter loves his new found sense of independance. He loves to explore everywhere.
9. Dogs in general, but his favorite dog is Fenway. He loves to pat her and give her kisses. When he sees any dog, he says "dog"!
10. Mommy and Daddy! When Kris comes home from work, he crawls right to him. It is so sweet. Also, when Carter and I are playing on the floor, every once in a while he will crawl over to me and give me a hug. What a sweet boy!

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