Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First snow!

Monday night while we were out to dinner with Tolson we looked out and it was snowing! It was a wet snow, but it was one of the heaviest I have seen here in Texas. Monday night when I went to sleep, I hoped I would wake up to a winter wonderland- icy streets included! Well, there was snow everywhere, but the streets look I turned on the TV and sure enough, school was on, and even bigger surprise was that the high for the day was 60! Only in Texas! So, I knew that if I wanted Carter to see his first snow it would have to be before school. It was pretty chilly and I only had a minute, so this is the best picture I could get!

1 comment:

Erica said...

Cade was very jealous of all of the snow that stuck at Carter's house. We had what appeared to be a blizzard on Monday night, but nothing stuck! Carter is too cute in his jammies! I came upon a blog ( and from what I can gather from that blog and others linked to it their baby died unexpectedly a couple of days ago, she was 3 months old....I cannot begin to imagine how I would go on with life.