Sunday, March 23, 2008

Easter weekend

For Carter’s first Easter we headed up to Oklahoma to visit Kris’ parents at the lake house. We had a nice time and had BEAUTIFUL weather on Saturday. Easter morning was a little chilly, but that was okay because after lunch we headed back to Dallas to see my family.
Carter at the lake.
He refuses to look at me now when I have the camera, but I like this picture becuse you can see his pretty red hair!

Wrigley and Maddie in the back of the Gator. We didn't bring Fenway on this trip down to the water, because she was still feeling bad from her fight. Poor Fenway got blindsided by a neighborhood dog who didn't like her in it's territory. Poor Fenway got tackled and bit (she had a puncture wound that was bleeding) when my mother in law was taking her on a walk- on a leash! Poor baby!

I thought this tree was appropriate for this Easter weekend- this limb fell and it looks like a cross!

The lake water is cold!

Gram and Gramps taking Carter on a golf cart ride.

Happy Easter!

Cheesy (and a little scary) smile!

Goodies from Gigi

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