Saturday, August 30, 2008

Daddy dressed me......

This morning I was running late, so Kris kindly dressed this shirt that he bought Carter in Vegas. It goes with the Spamalot show that we saw, but I told Kris it was inappropriate for a 1 year old! Oh well, at least the only place we went in public was the park across the street from Mimi's house!

Uncle Colt

Walking with Siera to the park

Carter loved swinging with Sierra

Chloe loved running around with Justin and Ronnie

Of course Carter had to go UP the slide!

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Worked for me!

Okay, I've only gotten 3 comments........I know there are more peole out there than that!!

Okay, I'm Chinese birth charts really work? It works for me. Follow this link and let me know if it worked for you! This is a great way to find out where all the hits on my blog are coming from. I am quite the blog stalker myself and I would love to see whose keeping up with my blog. My live tracker shows hits from all sorts of interesting places, so please play along!!

Monday, August 25, 2008

DFW Mama Bloggers Playgroup

Summer who I met for the first time Monday was kind enough to put together a playgroup for babies (all under 17 monhs old) and mama bloggers! I got to meet some familiar faces (it was so good to see Meredith and Reid again) and some new ones. Carter had a GREAT time! He loved "parallel" playing and loved all the new toys he got to play with. What a great idea! We hope to do it again soon!

a group shot attempt- whew that was hard to do!!

Carter loved pulling around this little dog.

He hogged this train- and kept running over people!

He loved pushing the variuos push toys. At times he had a little trouble sharing.....

Sunday, August 24, 2008

I feel bad!

Today my sis in law came with me to the pool so I decided to let Carter go down the big green slide. The first time he did great. The second time didn't go so well.........

He fussed for a minute, but he was okay soon afterwards. I think we will wait until next year to try the slide again.


This is how Carter puts necklaces on- it cracks Kris and me up!

Saturday, August 23, 2008


Okay- while I know Carter isn'teven the least bit close to being potty trained.........he went tee tee in the potty last night! He was in the bathtub and stood up and started going and I said "Wait!" and he stopped so I put him on the potty and he finished there! I know it will be at least another year before he's really potty trained, but I thought it was exciting last night!

Monday, August 18, 2008

Bathtime bliss

As you can see bathtime is Carter's favorite part of the day!

Check out the tan lines!


When all else fails, use the hand!

Sunday, August 17, 2008

Stacy's headshots

Stacy is going to kill me but...............Sunday we headed out to the nature preserve so I could take a few "headshots" of her for a play she is auditioning for. I had fun pretending to be a photographer and I think they turned out pretty good- I had trouble choosing just a few to share because I liked so many!

Of course I couln't pass up the oppertunity to take a few pictures of my little man!

Carter and Auntie

Friday, August 15, 2008

Coldstone, teething and thank you

After a YUMMY dinner at Mattitos we stopped for ice cream at Coldstone and Carter had his first Coldstone ice cream. He (really I) chose banana and he LOVED it! He ate it all and made quite a mess!
On another note, he has really started saying "thank you" consistently and is getting his bottom two molars (fun, fun). He is also doing the sign for "all done". Like I have said before, this is a place for documenting milestones for me so sorry for the random side notes. Here are a few picts of my messy ice cream boy!

Mama's boy!

Today was my last official day of summer break and I spent it with my little mama's boy. I have really enjoyed my summer and will be choking back the tears of Monday morning when I have to leave him with my mom. I guess I will start the countdown to next summer......

Things Carter is into today...

Here are a few things Carter is into today....
Pushing this toy around. It had been gathering dust, but he suddenly decided it was fun to push again today.

Going to the fridge to tell me he wants a drink

That's what I wanted!

Going into the pantry (he has been able to open the door for a few months) and telling mommy what he wants to eat, even after he just ate breakfast!

Fenway wishes she could do this!

"Bite mama"