Sunday, December 14, 2008

Christmas in the country

This weekend we headed to Oklahoma for "Christmas in the county" with Kris' family. We had a great time! Kris' dad has 3 sisters so there was lots of family there! Carter really enjoyed all the attention.

Carter quickly ate the marshmallows off of his sweet potatoes!

He wasn't too sure about the rest of his food.

Carter's great aunts helping him draw.

Carter with great aunts Kay and Karoleen

Some of the cousins ready for presents: Mikayla, Emilee, Morgan and Mackenzie

Carter opening his first present. He didn't want to tear the paper. He kept trying to fix it back as I was tearing it!

He got a new truck!

And a new puzzle!

The adults played cicken foot.

Carter sat with daddy. He kept taking the dominoes and thowing them across the table. In this picture he has messy hands from a chocolate covered pretzel.

Cousin Trace played us "We Wish you a Merry Christmas" on the guitar. After I took this picture he asked me if I was going to put it on the internet!

Trace and Carter had fun together!

The loved wrestling around.

We went out to see the horses. This is what Carter did when he saw me pull the camera out!

Let's go see the horses!

Some horses and a donkey!

I had to stop Carter from climbing into the horse yard!


Shawna Nicholson said...

Looks like ya'll had fun!! Let's meet up during break....maybe ERica too? :)

Erica said...

looks like a fun time!