Friday, December 5, 2008

A Christmas tradition continued

For as long as I can remember my family has had the tradition of going to a real Christmas tree farm to cut down our tree. Since Kris and I have a fake tree, Carter and I decided to go with my family to get their tree. Carter was just recovering from his Thanksgiving "bug" so he wasn't feeling 100%. All in all we had a great time.
First we stopped and ate at the Cracker Barrel. Carter ate a bunch of cackers, but that's about it.

Where's Carter?

Oh, he's grumpy!

Carter with his mouse that Ma bought him

Carter and Ma

Riding the tractor to get the tree with Colt

Serious look...

Look at all the trees!

Bye bye tractor!

"Hmmm, which one will we choose?"

"I like this one."

"it's just my size!"

All of the boys looking for the perfect tree.

Uncle Cody gave Carter a ride on his shoulders!

Cater helped Colt carry the measuring pole.


Austin, Cody and Colt

What a nice looking group of boys!

Carte with his uncles.

Taking a break from looking....

right here!

Is this the tree? Let's measure it!

Pops cutting down the tree


My oldest baby bro Cody

Taking the tree home

Riding back on the tractor with Colt and Cody

Of course he carried his bunny the whole time!

Pops securing the tree onto the FJ Cruiser!


Erica said...

That is soo neat! I have always thought that was so cool that your family goes to a REAL tree farm! I love the pictures of your brothers!

Missy Rooney said...

such a fun tradition!! Of course I love the pic's of Carter :)

Unknown said...

such cute pcitures and I didn't even know tree farms existed. Is that your parents FJ? That is the same car I have, it's black too! :)