Saturday, March 7, 2009

2 funny stories and a few pictures

I have 2 funny stories about Carter this week.
On Monday as we were pulling out of the garage and waving bye-bye to daddy, Carter asked me to roll his window down. I did so he could wave to daddy. Well, I kept the window rolled down as we drove down the alley. After a few minutes Carter started yelling, "buh"! When I looked back in my review mirror I saw his bunny laying way far back in the middle of the alley. He had thrown it out the window! I had to turn around and get it! Thank goodness we weren't on a busy street!

Then, on Tuesday I ran into Old Navy for a quick second. We were walking by the little girl's section and Carter grabbed a little pink sweatshirt with flowers on it and yelled, "Ella"! He wanted me to buy it for his girlfriend Ella. How sweet!
He is becoming so funny and has such a fun (but strong willed) personality! Here are a few picts of my precious boy. Can you tell I am a little obsessed with taking his picture?

Poor Fenway is OVER her pciture being taken!!

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