Sunday, March 8, 2009

Fun with Ever!

Today Nicole, Chad and Ever met us at the horse park to play. Nicole and I just knew they would be buddies and we were right. They had so much fun playing together. I can't wait until we can do it again!

Carter showed Ever how to brush Gold.

Then he gave Ever the brush so he could have a turn.

Ever wasn't too sure about Gold at first and then he didn't want to get off of him!

Ewwww! Poop!

Checking out the pig!

Hanging around!

This was a total accident, but I overexposed this picture really bad and when I edited it, I thought it loked pretty cool. I was excited to see the peacock showing off his beautiful tail feathers.

They had SO much fun jumping in the bounce house!

What's this?

Silly boys taking a drink break!

Carter insisted on bringing this ball with us to play with the "kids" They had fun with it in the bounce house.

Mamma goat and her 2 babies

Checking out a baby goat

Bye bye Ever!

We stopped at Wendy's on the way home for a cool treat, a frosty!

Carter has gotten into the TERRIBLE habbit of taking his arms out of the top of his car seat straps. I am at a loss as to what to do about it other than pull over and dicipline him every time he does it. I would love any advice you may have out there.


The Young's said...


I saw your post on your BlogSpot about Carter coming out of his shoulder straps and figured I might could help. I have spent the last three years working in the baby retail world and I have specialized in car seat safety, needless to say I have seen a lot of children with similar ‘talents’ when it comes to their car seats.

In hopes of curving Carter's new 'talent' of taking off his straps have you first made sure that they are tight enough when buckling him in the car seat? When a five point harness is properly installed there should not be enough slack to pinch the fabric together, if there is enough to pinch it is too loose as per Britax's instructions.

If this is not the problem then there are two are things he may be doing in order to escape. First he maybe up buckling the chest clip, for this problem try putting the pointy side of Velcro on the chest clip in order to detour him from wanting to play with it. Secondly, the other problem maybe that he has figured out how to loosen his straps by playing with the ‘a clamp’ (this is the metal clamp at the front of the seat), if this is the case it is much harder to explain to him that this behavior is not acceptable.

Another thing that might be a problem is that the straps are not in their proper place. For a forward facing child the shoulder straps should be at or above the child’s shoulders. If the straps are coming out of the car seat from behind his shoulders it is giving him too much freedom, the Boulevard is every easy to adjust just turn the black knob on the side of the car seat near the top.

I have enjoyed reading your blog over the past few months, I actually ran across the address on my myspace. It is so amazing to see him grow up! Hope all is well.

Take care,
Krista (Stanwix) Young

P.S. I am sorry this is so long. I attempted to send it to you via myspace but they said it was spam :-Z!

Erica said...

We want to visit the horse park with y'all!! It looks like LOTS of fun! I LOVE the peacock picture! You need to enlarge it and put it somewhere in your house! And I'm sure you already knew this, but I will give NO carseat advice for obvious reasons! : )

Anonymous said...

Wow, I was going to leave my advice on the car seat but then I saw "The Youngs"....we need to come to each other for everything. These boys could be twins...they do everything the same and at the same time. Ever is diong this also!!! I just make the straps tighter so there is no possible way he can do it. He doesnt like it at first, but then he forgets about it. We had a blast with you and cant wait to play again!!

Anonymous said...

These boys really could be twins...Ever started doing this a while back also. I just tightened the straps so there was no way he could take his arms out. He didnt like it snug at first, but then he got used to it. After he stopped trying to take his arms out, I loosened the straps back up a little and he hasnt done it since (I had to do this on two separate occasions) Cant wait for the boys to play again!!