Thursday, April 14, 2011

Abby's birth-day

Since Abby had been measuring big and I was really uncomfortable, Dr. Campbell agreed to induce me on April 14. When I first got pregnant I remember telling Dr. Campbell that I didn't want to be induced. I wanted it to happpen naturally so I would hopefully have an easier time than I did with Carter. Well, I always eat my words and come 38 weeks, I felt ready to pop and have her! Once we set the induction date, I felt happy to know when she was going to be born and happy that I was going to feel preparred. So I was all set to wake up early on April 14 and call the hospital ay 6:30 am to see if there was a room ready. I had all of Abby's things packed, but in my normal fashion was waiting to pack my stuff until in the morning. I figured I would call the hospital at 6:30 and then we wouldn't have to leave until 7:00 for my 7:30 induction so I would have plenty of time to pack. Little did I know that Miss Abby had other plans!
After an awesome steak dinner preparred by Kris I went to sleep early the night before because I knew I would have a big day ahead. Even though I was super excited and nervous, I had no trouble falling asleep. I woke up at 3:30 not feeling right. I felt like I had to go to the bathroom. I went and then laid back down. I then felt like I had to go again....and again and again. I had some mild cramping, but not what I thought was a contration. I tired to go back to sleep, but started feeling really bad. I started having some consistant cramping and thought maybe they might be contractions, so I downloaded a contration app on my phone to measure them. I decided not to wake Kris up because I thouight there was no way it I was in labor. The log of the timer looked like this:
start 4:22 Stop: 4:23 frequency 1:47
start 4:25 stop: 4:26 frequency 2:58
start 4:26 stop 4:27 frequency 1:54
start 4:26 stop 4:27 frequency 2:03
I still though maybe I was imaging things and wasn't in too much pain. I took a shower thinking it might make me feel better, but didn't even dry my hair because I was feeling bad. Then around 5:30 things started to get bad really fast! I started to be in pain. I called the hospital and told the lady I was haivng contractions. She asked, "How far apart are they, like 5 minutes?" I told her no, they were more like a minute apart. She told me that I should come in. I finally woke Kris up and told him it was time to go to the hospital. He called his mom and by the time she got there I was in horrible pain. I winced as I packed my bags and just threw things in there. I had to lean over the chair because laying down made my feel even worse. We got into the car about 6:00 and the drive there was the worst drive of my life! I was clinging onto the handle curling up and in so much pain. Thankfully it was early and there wasn't any traffic! Kris dropped my off in the front of the hospital and went to park. I found a chair and sat there. Kris fianlly walked in and I practically ran to the elevator. I remember bending over holding onto the rail in the elevator having such intense contractions. I walked up to the counter at L&D and draped myself over the counter and told the lady I was in labor. She said, "Doesn't look like you are up for going into admitting, looks like you need a room." The quickly go tme to a room, had me change into a gown and lay down. They started asking me a million questions as I was still having painful contractions every minute. One lade was taking my blood, one lady was giving me an IV and when they were finished with that aonther lady was having me sign all this paperwork. I was not even looking what I was signing and scribbling with my left hand. Every time I got another contraction I was grabbing onto the side of the bed for dear life.....worst.pain.ever. The nurse was still asking questions like, would I like my tubes tied- wrong time to ask that- luckily I was still able to say no to that, ha! When the nurse checked me I was dialated to a 7, no wonder I was in so much pain! I quickly asked if I could still have an epidural, thankfully I could! Every time I had a contraction I would say, "oh no, here it goes again!" I kept appologizing for me crazy behavior and the nurse had to constanly remind me to breathe. At one point I staryed throwing up as I was having a contration. Finally after about 30 minutes the anestesiologist came in for the epidural. I was litterly praying out loud as I gripped the nurse while I was getting it, praying that I wouldn't have a contraction. It took so much concentration to hold still. The doctor did a great job with the epidural and after a few minutes my feet felt tingly and my pain was going away. Ahhhh, what a relief. Not long after that Dr. Campbell came in to check me. She decided not to break my water because Abby's head was still up high. In the next few hours I didn't progress too much. Dr. Campbell came back around 9 an broke my water. My mom got to the hospital and we visited. I felt a lot of pressure and kept saying that I felt like I needed to pee, but I still was at about an 8. Finally around 10:30 my nurse decided to have me change positions to see if that would help me progress. She had me get on my hands and knees. I stayed that was for a about 45 minutes, until I couldn't feel my feet anymore. One I got back alying down, she checked me and I was a 10, it worked and I was ready to push. They called Dr. Campbell and and it was time! They asked Kris if he wanted to cut the cord and he said no way! As I was pushing Dr. Campbell said she saw hair, then asked it I wanted to feel. I reached down and could feel her sweet little head. I pushed about 10 times and Abby was born at 11:28am. She was born with her cord around her neck. Dr. Campbell cut it and placed her right on my chest. It was such a joyus moment, Kris and I were both crying. Abby was looking right up at me blinking her beautiful eyes. She didn't cry immediatly, but after a few minuted started crying. The left her on my chest for a while, then took her to be cleaned up and weighed, all in my room. Kris walked over to the warmer with her and she held his finger. They weighed her, 8 pounds 4 ounces and measured her 20.87 inches, big girl! They did her Apgars 8 and 9, then gave her back to me for skin to skin. I nursed her for the first time and she was a champ! I loved the quiet time that Kris and I got to spend with our new daughter. it was really special. After a while Kris let my family in to see her. They were all very excited, and I was soon moved to a room. The pictures will tell the story of the rest of the day.
My mom and Erica outdise of L&D
Colt, my dad and Austin waiting
Everyone meets Abby
Going to our room!
Colt pushed her bed
Mommy and Abby
Me and my BFF Erica
My mom's first time to hold Abby
Mommy and daddy with our sweet baby girl
Daddy was sleepy after the long morning. I on the other had was awake and feeling great! I was ready to have another baby already!
After a while my family and Erica went to eat and Meemaw brought Carter to meet Abby. I videoed most of it instead of taking pictures....but he was pretty much more excited about showing us his new Transformers Meemaw bought him that his new sister!
Carter looking at his new sister
Abby ever got Carter this toy he has been wanting for ages!

After we had been in the room a while Abby had her first bath!
Kris enjoying his "yummy" hospital food.
We had quite a few visitors!
It's a girl suckers!
Lauren, Abby, Jordan and Elliot
That night my mom spent the night with me so that Kris could stay with Carter. He was feeling a bit clingy and insecure. We had a crazy weather night. I had just gotten all ready for bed and was going to call the nurse to get Abby so I could get some sleep and I heard the tornado sirens going off...the next thing I knew a nurse came in and said the put the baby in her bed and wheel it out into the hall and into this room. It was crazy! There were about 10 people with their newborns in the room. Only 1 boy all the rest girls. We stayed in there about 20 minutes and then the storm passed. Wish I had taken a picture, but I left my camera in the room!!

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