Monday, April 25, 2011

Sleeping Beauty

So when Carter was a newborn he was such a good sleeper. He was pretty much sleeping through the night (10pm-5am) when he was 8 days old, so I was not too surprised last night when Abby slept from 9pm-5am. She had done something similar last week as well. When Carter was this age, my pediatrician had me bring him in to be weighed to make sure he was gaining weight and then she told me I could let him sleep as long as he wanted to. So, I decided to take Abby in to be weighed to make sure I could let her sleep as well. I brought her to a place in the hospital where they will weigh your baby for free. When I told the nurse there how long she slept, she about fainted and make me feel like an awful mother. I told her this exact thing happened with my little boy, but she still looked disapprovingly at me! Anyway, she proceeded to weigh her and she was 8 pounds 10 ounces! Just a week prior she was 7 pounds 14 ounces. The nurse was very impressed with her weight gain, but still gave me a speech about how many feedings she should have- sheesh. The nurse would be happy to know it was a fluke anyway...she hasn't slept like that again, but is still giving me 4-5 hours at night.
Sweet feet!
I love how she stretches out, just like her big brother!

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