Sunday, April 17, 2011

Carter as a big brother

As the end of my pregnancy neared, I started to have a lot of fear as to how Carter would do as a big brother. He is so used to being the center of attention...only child and only grandchild on both sides. He preformance in the hospital did not help my fears of jealousy. With that being said, once we got home and things got back to "normal" on Monday, he has been so wonderful. He loves to hug Abby, give her kisses, blow her kisses and asks how she is doing all the time. When she is crying he tried to give her her paci or holds her hand. He has adjusted better than I could have imagined. The big thing for me now is to make sure he doesn't help too in point. The other day I went to take a shower. Abby was asleep in her bed and Carter was watching a movie. I told him that I was going to take a shower and that Abby was asleep in her bed, and not to bother her. Well, I had the video monitor on the counter, and was trying to watch it as I showered and what do I see, a little hand reaching through the bars trying to hold her hand. He is just too funny, always wanting to know she is okay.
This is a picture of the first time that Carter got to hold Abby. He was so proud. He couldn't wait for Meemaw to see him holding her, he said, "She's going to be so suprised!"

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