Sunday, December 9, 2007

CJ's family

When Carter's aunt, Kathy found out that we named Carter, Carter Jackson she gave him the nickname "CJ" which just happens to be Carter's late great grandfather's initials. Kris didn't really like the nickname (no offense to great grandpa), so Kathy said she was going to call him CJ and it would stick. So, for Christmas, Kathy had us all shirts made that say "CJ's mom, CJ's dad" etc. She even had a onesie made for little man himself. We all had to have pictures made with him and our new shirts! Thank you Aunt Kathy! We love our shirts!

Eating Daddy's hat

After pictures and before we left Gram and Gramps wanted to take Carter on a golf cart ride. We had to bundle Carter up, and cut the ride short, because it was SO cold!

1 comment:

Erica said...

I love the shirts! C.J. is too cute...I never thought of that!! : )