Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Feeding the ducks....errr the turtles!

Carter was so excited when I told him we were going to feed the ducks. When we arrived at the duck pond with our bread in hand, we found a pretty big group of ducks sitting in the grass. We got out our bread and threw it to them, and they just sat there. They had zero interest in our bread. I guess they get fed plenty in out neighborhood! So, Carter started throwing the bread in the water and he was SO excited when "turrrtteles" (I can't write the way he says it, but it's so cute!) started eating our bread. After all the bread was gone, we moved down and threw rocks in the water. I swear he could throw rocks in the water all day. He is such a boy!! Ready with bread.
Here ducks!!
Let's just throw it in the water (notice the ducks sitting there on the left)

A turtle!

Rocks are fun!!
He loves collecting them and then throwing them!

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